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Back-to-School with Inner City Performing Arts

KidNation Back-to-School Live Event


To kick off the 2021 Fall Semester, KidNation hosted a Back-to School Live Stream with one of our community partners, Inner City Performing Arts. Join Sandy Lal, co-founder of KidNation, Diana Keeler, KidNation’s Manager of Educational Programs, and special guest Dr. Melanie Andrews, the Creative Director of the Inner City Shakespeare Ensemble, as they talk about getting kids involved in creative fields.

Science Cryptogram

Science Cryptogram

Figure out the phrase by putting the numbers underneath the letters!

HINT: It’s part of the Science video.

Cake and Ice Cream Lesson Plan

Cake and Ice Cream Worksheet

Objective: Learn the ingredients to make two fun deserts, cake and ice cream!

Takeaway: Even baking and cooking rely on science.

Time: 20 Minutes

Grade level: K-2

Tags: science, stem, ice cream, cake, baking, cooking, recipes

Downloadable Lesson Plan Link

Fillable Worksheet Link

Don’t Wanna Go Home Lesson Plan

don't wanna go home worksheet

Objective: Consider the most important items needed for a sleepover.

Takeaway: Sleepovers help make friendships stronger!

Time: 20 Minutes

Grade level: 2-3

Tags: sleepover, checklist, planning, friendship, slumber party, vocabulary

Downloadable Link

Fillable Link

Where’s My Pet Lesson Plan


Objective: Learn and write the names of some common neighborhood places.

Takeaway: Pets are a great way to learn responsibility!

Time: 30 minutes

Downloadable Link

Fillable Link

Grade level: 2-3

Tags: pets, animals, responsibilities, writing, map, lost, found, vocabulary, vocab

Faithful Lesson Plan

Faithful worksheet

Objective: Learn and write about some of the world’s most common religions.

Takeaway: There are many ways to be faithful and to practice faith daily.

Time: 30 Minutes

Grade level: 3-5

Downloadable Link

Fillable Link

Barbershop Jigsaw Puzzle

Barbershop Jigsaw Puzzle

Can you make the Barbershop image below? Drag the puzzle pieces to the correct spot.

Happy Word Search

Happy Word Search

Click on the first letter and then the last letter to select the word.

Song Titles Scramble

Song Titles Scramble

How well do you know KidNation songs?

Unscramble the clues to the right! Hint: The first letters are capitalized.

Zoo Quiz

ZOO Quiz

Test your knowledge!